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L'amico Charly

L’associazione L’amico Charly Onlus, nata nel 2001 a Milano in seguito alla tragica scomparsa di Charly Colombo allora sedicenne, si occupa di prevenzione al disagio giovanile attraverso progetti di intervento educativi, formativi, di assistenza e di sostegno a favore degli adolescenti, in collaborazione con le istituzioni, le scuole e le famiglie.

Attraverso l’ausilio di un’équipe di psicologi ed esperti, L’amico Charly interviene nella prevenzione e gestione delle situazioni a rischio fino alla presa in carico dei ragazzi che hanno compiuto un tentato suicidio. Gli interventi sono finalizzati a sostenere la crescita dei giovani durante la fase più complessa del loro percorso, l’adolescenza, attraversata a volte da crisi personali che possono anche sfociare in comportamenti autolesivi.

Mental Health Links - Suicide


  • American Association of Poison Control Centers
    E' una associazione che provvede ad informare sui veleni.
    The American Association of Poison Control Centers is a Nationwide organization of poison centers and interested individuals.
    It provides a
    forum for poison centers and interested individuals to promote the reduction of morbidity and mortality form poisoning
    and sets voluntary standards for poison centers. It also produces publications and holds a yearly conference.

  • American Association of Suicidology
    Per favorire la comprensione delle problematiche e la prevenzione del suicidio
    The American Association of Suicidology is dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide. The
    organization promotes research, public awareness programs, and education and training for professionals and volunteers.

  • American College of Emergency Physicians
    L'American College of Physicians di emergenza promuove i più alti standard di cura del paziente
  • Questo sito contiene informazioni su organizzazione, schede tecniche, informazioni sulla formazione continua, e molte altre risorse.
    The American College of Emergency Physicians promotes the highest standards of patient care through its advocacy and leadership.
    This web site contains information on the organization, fact sheets, information on continuing education, and many other resources.

  • American Correctional Health Services Association
    The ACHSA mission is to be the voice of the correctional healthcare profession, and serve as an effective forum for communication
    addressing current issues and needs confronting correctional healthcare.

  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
    The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is the only international non-profit organization dedicated to funding the research
    and education needed to prevent suicide.

  • American School Health Association
    The American School Health Association unites the many professionals working in schools who are committed to safeguarding
    the health of school-aged children. The Association, a multidisciplinary organization of administrators, counselors, dentists,
    health educators, physical educators, school nurses and school physicians, advocates high-quality school health instruction,
    health services and a healthful school environment.

  • Befrienders International
    Befrienders International is a network of centers run by trained volunteers that offer a free listening service that is
    non-judgmental and completely confidential. People are befriended by telephone, letter and email, and in face-to-face meetings.

  • Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
    The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs is an organization representing State public health leaders and other
    individuals and organizations working to improve the health and well being of all women, children, youth, and families.
    The group accomplishes its mission through partnerships with government agencies and the participation of its members,
    families, advocates, health care purchasers, providers, academic and research professionals, and others at the National,
    State and local levels.

  • Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
    The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials is a National non-profit organization representing the State and territorial
    public health agencies of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia. Its members, the chief health officials
    of these jurisdictions, are dedicated to formulating and influencing sound public health policy, and to assuring excellence in
    State-based public health practice. This site provides information on events, policy statements, and publications.

  • First World Report on Violence and Health (Full Report)
    This report, produced by the World Health Organization, is written mainly for researchers and practitioners. Its goals are to raise
    global awareness about the problems of violence and to make the case that violence is preventable and that public health
    systems have a crucial role to play in addressing its causes and consequences.

  • Georgia's Suicide Prevention Plan
    People can stop suicide. This fact is the foundation of the Georgia Suicide Prevention Plan. This web site provides
    the plan’s text and staff contact information.

  • Iowa State Prevention Programs
    This web site provides an overview of Iowa’s prevention programs for violence and abusive behavior.

  • Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation
    One of the two areas of interest for this foundation are Childhood and Adolescent Depression, including suicide and suicide prevention.
    Grants have primarily fallen under the categories of Intervention and Referral, Prevention, Public Education/Training, and Infrastructure.
    The Foundation also sponsors a Fellowship Program for post-doctoral research in depression.

  • National Center for Suicide Prevention Training
    The National Center for Suicide Prevention Training (NCSPT) currently has two internet-based workshops.
    The first one, “Locating, Understanding, and Presenting Youth Suicide Data” and is available on an ongoing basis.
    The second workshop, "Planning and Evaluation for Youth Suicide Prevention" is being prepared for pilot testing.
    This web site provides more information on the trainings.

  • National Police Suicide Foundation
    The numbers of deaths due to suicide are 2 to 3 times the number of line of duty deaths among law enforcement
    agencies and emergency workers. The mission of the National P.O.L.I.C.E. Suicide Foundation is to provide suicide
    awareness and prevention training programs and support services that will meet the psychological and spiritual needs
    of emergency workers and their families.

  • National Resource Center for Suicide Prevention and Aftercare
    The NRC's goal is to provide suicide-related community education in the areas of prevention, intervention, and aftercare,
    as well as healing support services for families, youth, and those affected by the psychological trauma of suicide.

  • National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Indicators
    The goal of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Indicators project is to identify and develop indicators for each
    of the strategy's objectives. Indicators are measured in order to quantify the achievement of an objective.

  • Ohio's Suicide Prevention Program
    Ohio's Suicide Prevention Plan is the next step in saving lives and reducing suicidal behaviors by developing a comprehensive
    strategy in response to a very complex set of issues.

  • Selected Reviews of Suicide Research - 2001
    This list of review articles was compiled by the NIMH Suicide Research Consortium, whose members have found the articles useful
    when providing technical assistance to grant applicants.

  • SOS High School Suicide Prevention Program
    The SOS Suicide Prevention Program provides school health professionals with all the educational materials necessary to replicate
    this easy-to-use program in a variety of school settings. Schools have the flexibility to make use of the materials in as large or
    small a program as their needs and resources dictate. The program can also be blended into an existing health curriculum.
    You can find out more about it at their web site.

  • State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors' Association
    The mission of the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Director’s Association is to promote, sustain, and enhance the
    ability of State and Territorial public health departments to reduce death and disability associated with injuries.
    It accomplishes its mission by disseminating information on state-of-the-art injury prevention and control policies and strategies.

  • Students Against Destructive Decisions
    Students Against Destructive Decision strive to provide students with the best prevention and intervention tools possible to
    deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving and other destructive decisions. Their site has a
    number of resources including fact sheets, a resource center, a list of events, and newsletters.

  • Suicide Among the Aged (Canada)
    This web site illustrates, through statistics, that suicide rates for the elderly exceed suicide rates among adolescents.

  • Suicide Prevention Action Network of USA (SPAN)
    The Suicide Prevention Action Network USA is a non-profit national organization that links the energy of those bereaved
    or touched by suicide with the expertise of leaders in science, health, business, government and public service to achieve
    the goal of significantly reducing the national rate of suicide by the year 2010.

  • Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network - California
    Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network-California (SPAN-California) was founded in 1999 as a force for suicide
    prevention, an arena for collaboration among agencies, and a voice in the California state capital.

  • The Project Hope Foundation
    The Project Hope Foundation is dedicated to reducing depression and suicide (especially youth suicide). It has books, videos
    and instructions on self-education and how to run Life Skills Open Forums.

  • Training Institute for Suicide Assessment and Clinical Interviewing
    This group provides mental health professionals with information on the development of suicide prevention skills, crisis intervention
    skills, and clinical interviewing skills.

  • University of Washington, MCH Program
    On December 8-9, 2002, the Northwest Children's Public Health Network: Building an Action Agenda for Mental Health was held
    in Seattle, Washington. Representatives from six States met to identify issues specific to the region and their communities and to
    outline State plans for promoting mental health in children and young people. Four plenary speakers presented information on
    mental health at various stages of childhood and adolescence and took part in a panel discussion. The details of the
    meeting are found on this web site.

  • World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Violence
    This fact sheet, prepared by the World Health Organization, contains worldwide statistics for suicide and self inflicted injuries.

  • World Health Organization Report on Violence and Health - Summary
    This document is a comprehensive summary to the World Health Organizations first World Report on Violence and Health.

Online Resources

  • A Public Health Approach to Preventing Suicide
    This brochure illustrates how better data collection, including the National Violent Death Reporting System, can inform
    prevention strategies and make a real difference.

  • Air Force Suicide Prevention Program
    The Suicide Prevention Program of the Air Force is described and highlighted as one of the nation's most effective health prevention programs.

  • Assisted Suicide and End-of-Life Decisions
    A Report from an American Psychological Association Working Group

  • Assisted Suicide: A Disability Perspective
    Written for the National Council on Disability, this paper analyzes the issues related to assisted suicide and discusses current court cases.

  • At a Glance: Suicide Among the Elderly
    The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention provides this fact sheet on suicide among the elderly.

  • Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
    This site provides resources and information about suicide prevention. It also contains new bulletins and a list of links to related sites.

  • Children's Safety Network - Injury Data
    This web page provides charts and tables illustrating children’s injury data for each U.S. State and Territory.

  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) - Suicide
    If you or someone you know suffers from depression or manic depression (also known as bipolar disorder), you understand all too
    well its symptoms may include feelings of sadness and hopelessness. These feelings can also include thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

    Cada año miles de adolescentes se suicidan en los Estados Unidos. El suicidio es la tercera causa de muerte más
    frecuente para los jóvenes de entre 15 y 24 años de edad, y la sexta causa de muerte para los de entre 5 y 14 años.

  • Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition
    In August, 2002, the Florida Suicide Prevention Task Force announced the Statewide Suicide Prevention Strategy to reduce the
    incidence of suicide in Florida by one-third by 2005.

  • Guidelines for School Based Suicide Prevention Programs
    These guidelines, compiled by the Prevention Division of the American Association of Suicidology, can be used by schools to help prevent suicide. They are in PDF format.

  • Hawaii State Department of Health: Suicide
    This is a report by the State of Hawaii on injury prevention, both accidental and self-inflicted. IT touches on suicide, domestic violence, and drug and alcohol abuse.

  • Homicide and Suicide Risks Associated with Firearms in the Home

    This is a document about injury prevention titled, Homicide and Suicide Risks Associated With Firearms in the Home: A national case-control study.

  • If You Are Thinking About Suicide...READ THIS FIRST
    The information on this site is intended to help and support persons who may be feeling suicidal.

  • In Harm's Way: Suicide in America
    This fact sheet from the National Institute of Mental Health provides statistics about suicide incidents in the United States.

  • Legislative Advisories From the American Association on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    These legislative alerts, provided by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, concern Congressional
    action on issues related to the health of children and adolescents.

  • Louisiana's Youth Suicide Prevention Program
    The Louisiana Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force is a Statewide response to the U. S. Surgeon General's call to action to prevent suicide.
    The mission of the Task Force is to develop a Statewide plan on youth suicide prevention in Louisiana. This press release provides more
    information on the Task Force as well as suicide statistics for Louisiana.

  • Media Coverage of Suicide
    This site, provided by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, illustrates various harmful ways in which the media can depict suicide.

  • Minnesota Department of Health Report to the Minnesota Legislature: Suicide Prevention Plan
    This report to the Minnesota Legislature details the development of the State’s suicide prevention plan.

  • National Organization for People of Color Against Suicide - Statistics
    This web site provides statistics on the amount of people who have committed and attempted suicide. It also lists conferences
    for suicide survivors.

  • National Registry of Effective Prevention Programs
    Information on effective programs that enhance outcomes for substance abuse, violence and high-risk behaviors in community,
    family, school, clinical, faith-based, and workplace settings.

  • National Vital Statistics Reports
    This report presents the final 1999 data on U.S. deaths and death rates according to demographic and medical characteristics.
    Trends and patterns in general mortality, life expectancy, and infant mortality are also described.

  • New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Subcommittee on Suicide Prevention
    Summary Report

  • Oklahoma State Youth Suicide Prevention Plan
    The Oklahoma Youth Suicide Prevention State Plan works to address the problem of suicide by introducing multi-level
    strategies that communities can customize based on available resources and experiences.

  • Preventing Suicide: Individual Acts Create a Public Health Crisis
    This site provides a resource of background information, interviews, and statistics for health reporters.

  • Reporting on Suicide: Recommendations for the Media
    This is the full report of media recommendations presented on the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Web site.
    This resource contains links to the specific media recommendations as well as an introduction to the topic area, a list of danger signs,
    examples of reporting, and frequently asked questions.

  • Reporting on Suicide: Recommendations for the Media
    This National Institute of Mental Health Web site presents media recommendations that were produced in the spirit of the public-private
    partnership recommended by the Surgeon General’s National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

  • Suicide Prevention
    The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention is a collaborative effort between the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
    Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health,
    the Health Resources and Services Administration,
    and the Indian Health Services. The site has a wealth of resources including a newsroom,
    links State Suicide Prevention Programs, features publications, and much more.

  • Suicide Warning Signs

  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Strategies
    The Tennessee strategy for suicide prevention builds on the fifteen points raised in “The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to
    Prevent Suicide, 1999.” This publication lists each of the fifteen points and Tennessee’s responses.

  • The Centre for Suicide Prevention, Manchester, England
    The Centre for Suicide Prevention at the University of Manchester brings together projects on policy and service planning.
    This United Kingdom research centre in the field of suicidal behaviour carries out studies of suicide and homicide by those
    in contact with mental health services.

  • The National Association of Injury Control Research Centers
    An organization devoted to promoting scholarly activity in injury control, the Association addresses issues relevant to the prevention
    , acute care and rehabilitation of traumatic injury through multiple activities in research; research dissemination; program development
    and evaluation; consultation;
    and education and training.

  • The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Suicide, July 1999
    The Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services outline more than a dozen steps that can be taken by individuals
    , communities, organizations, and policymakers on this site. Site provides links to other related resources.

  • Virginia Youth Suicide Prevention Plan
    The Virginia Youth Suicide Prevention Plan addresses youth suicide in the Commonwealth by focusing on several key areas including:
    leadership, public awareness, media education, school-based strategies, surveillance, and evaluation. On this site there are statistics,
    free publications,
    and the number of a hotline for people contemplating suicide or people who know someone contemplating suicide.

  • Washington State Youth Suicide Prevention Program
    The mission of the Youth Suicide Prevention Program is to reduce suicide attempts and deaths among Washington State youth.
    Working toward that goal, the group builds public awareness, offers training, and supports communities taking action.

  • Wisconsin Suicide Prevention Strategy
    This report details Wisconsin’s Suicide Prevention Strategy. It provides a framework for getting every interested person in
    Wisconsin involved in preventing suicide and is designed to guide individuals, agencies, organizations in local communities
    and at regional and State levels in suicide prevention efforts.

  • A Call to Collaboration: The Federal Commitment to Suicide Prevention
    A Call to Collaboration: The Federal Commitment to Suicide Prevention highlights the Department of Health and
    Human Services' activities and their link to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, the plan which will guide the nation's suicide
    prevention efforts for the next decade.